Evolution vs. Design: Is the Universe a Cosmic Accident or Does it Display Intelligent Design?

Design in the Universe

Design in Biology

Evolution Rebuttals

If you believe that the theory of macroevolution is true, prepare to be challenged. No, you won't find the usual creationist rhetoric about the second law of thermodynamics, Nebraska Man, or the creationism charges of mistakes made by evolutionists 60 years ago. What you will find is the best of creationary science - real, peer-reviewed scientific literature of studies done by evolutionists! Start here and work your way down the page.


Origin of Life

Cambrian Explosion

Descent of Man?

Evolutionary Biology Problems

Evolution and the Bible/Morality

Does the universe display intelligent design?

The Edge of EvolutionThe Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism by Michael Behe

Darwin's Black Box author Michael Behe takes on the limits of evolution through an examination of specific genetic examples. Behe finds that mutation and natural selection is capable of generating trivial examples of evolutionary change. Although he concludes that descent with modification has occurred throughout biological history, the molecular devices found throughout nature cannot be accounted for through natural selection and mutation. Behe's book claims to develop a framework for testing intelligent design by defining the principles by which Darwinian evolution can be distinguished from design.

Icons of evolutionIcons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells

In this book, biologist Jonathan Wells examines recent college and high school textbooks (from 1998-2000), and shows how they distort the truth about biology, often presenting information that has been falsified by recent scientific studies. Icons refuted include the origin of life (the famous Miller experiment), embryo drawings that were faked, the famous Pepper Moth example of natural selection, which used staged/fake photographs, showing moths on tree trunks, genetically engineered fruit flies, the beak of the finch, archaeopteryx, and much more.

Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, And The Meaning Of LifeDawkins' God: Genes, Memes, And The Meaning Of Life by Alister McGrath. According to Francis Collins, Director of the Human Genome Project:
"Wielding evolutionary arguments and carefully chosen metaphors like sharp swords, Richard Dawkins has emerged over three decades as this generation's most aggressive promoter of atheism. In his view, science, and science alone, provides the only rock worth standing on. In this remarkable book, Alister McGrath challenges Dawkins on the very ground he holds most sacred -- rational argument -- and McGrath disarms the master. It becomes readily apparent that Dawkins has aimed his attack at a naive version of faith that most serious believers would not recognize. After reading this carefully constructed and eloquently written book, Dawkins’ choice of atheism emerges as the most irrational of the available choices about God's existence."

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton

A general discussion of some of the problems associated with macroevolution. It is somewhat outdated, but a good introduction to the overall scope.

Mere CreationMere Creation: Science, Faith & Intelligent Design, William A. Dembski, editor InterVarsity Press (1998), 448 pp. Nineteen experts trained in mathematics, mechanical engineering, philosophy, astrophysics, ecology, evolutionary biology, and other disciplines challenge the reigning ideology of materialistic naturalism on both scientific and philosophical grounds, as they press their case for a radical thinking of established evolutionary assumptions
How Blind Is the Watchmaker?How Blind Is the Watchmaker?: Nature's Design & the Limits of Naturalistic Science by Neil Broom, William A. Dembski. This book examines the naturalistic origin of life, along with the intricate complexity of design in biology, and exposes the weaknesses of the naturalistic Neo-Darwinian paradigm.

Last Modified August 8, 2012


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